Masbate City Division envisions a community of pupils/students, teachers and administrators that value and actively contribute to the protection and conservation of the environment and have a positive influence on their siblings and parents alike.
The Youth for Environment in Schools-Organization (YES-O) is a school-based co-curricular organization established to serve as a significant venue for pupils’ actions and movements towards safeguarding, protecting and conserving the environment. Ii is an organization that provides leadership in formulating policies and standards to collaborate individual and group environmental actions in all government and non-government organization.

Goals/Objectives |
Success Indicators |
- Organize the YES-O in accordance with DepED Order No. 72, s. 2003
- Report of registered YES-O officers and members
- Craft an integrated school and community environmental awareness and protection plan;
- Division master plan for the protection and conservation of the environment observing the recommended programs and projects stipulated under DepED Order No. 52, s. 2011.
- Approved Calendar of Proposed Activities (CAPA)
- Establish an environmental interagency network system to consolidate school/community environmental data/information and actions
- DepED, DENR, DA, LGU interagency environmental staff coordinate/meet regularly and share responsibility in planning, conducting and monitoring school/community activities
- GOs and NGOs provide material and technical support to school/community environmental activities.
- Operationalize a year round environmental program and actions.
- Enhanced students and community environmental awareness and participation through the integration of environmental education in the basic education curricula.
- YES-O Officers and members, school and community are engaged in environmental awareness, protection and conservation activities
– Awareness Campaigns and Symposia
– Greening Program (Tree planting, Tree-growing and Tree Caring Program, Green Power Movement, Clean up-Drive )
– Environmental/Science/YES Camps
– Waste Disposal Management (3Rs, No Plastic Policy, Waste Segregation)
– Watershed Protection and Conservation (NGP-Green Power Movement)
– Outreach Programs
- Evaluate/Monitor schools/community environmental activities
- Documentation of school community best environmental practices
- Progress Report on the Status of their environmental program implementation
- Schools/community monitored and evaluated-Pictorial Report
- Sustain the award system for pupils, teachers, pupil/student-led organization, other staff and schools for exemplary environmental actions
- List of students/pupils, teachers, pupil/student-led organization, staff and schools for outstanding accomplishments on environmental protection and conservation.
- List of awardees