School and Community Linkages

It is evident that schools and communities should work closely with each other to meet their mutual goals. The community and the school are two important social institutions. Both community and school have linkage as the school cannot be seen as an independent institution that is isolated from the society in which it is located. continue reading : School and Community Linkages

Perks of Being a Teacher

What’s the best thing about being a teacher? If you are like the majority out there, you probably answered summer vacation, holidays and bonuses. And this is a great perk of being a teacher, without a doubt. But aside from that, there is a greater thing about being a teacher. Teaching is indeed a noble continue reading : Perks of Being a Teacher

Patience is a virtue

There are several characteristics that all teachers must possess. Patience, passion, dedication, etc. If these characteristics are lacking, a teacher cannot be an effective educator. But above all, patience is the most important. I have read the book “The Elements of Teaching”. What I learned after reading is it simply offers one definition, describing patience continue reading : Patience is a virtue


                        When I was a kid, I used to think that it’s easy to be a teacher, that teaching was an easy job. For as long as you have the chalk, blackboard, lesson plan, class record and you can teach a lesson, presto you can be a teacher. But gone are those days when continue reading : Multi-teacher


            Supervision plays a vital role in the teaching learning process. Teachers should be happy with the presence of principals and supervisors in their respective classroom. They are not lion nor tiger that will tear your heart instead an angel that will guide you to the right track. Supervision is one of the key component continue reading : Supervision

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