By: Ronan C. Relova

Rest Pud Ma’am/Sir”… reading this alternative definition of the annual Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) of the Department of Education, a thought entered my mind of the activities and tasks I have accomplished for the past year; and if ever I have been contributory to the life-long dream of the institution to produce productive and worthwhile individuals. 

The RPMS, as defined by DepEd, is an organization-wide process of ensuring that employees focus work efforts towards achieving the department’s vision, mission, values and strategic priorities. It is also a mechanism to manage, monitor and measure performance, and identify human resource and organizational development needs. Part of its assessment is the inclusion of the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) which is a tool in evaluating the yearly accomplishments of a government employee.

Looking at how busy the season of RPMS gets, it saddens me to think that there are teachers who rant about the efficacy of the system in measuring the work done by a teacher in a single year. Though it is a given fact that every educator has pledged to teach and make the students learn, it is also common knowledge that the higher ups need to evaluate the totality of their labor in a holistic view.

Some have given an outburst of disapproval to how teachers are rated basing on demonstration teaching, speakership during seminars, radio-broadcast instruction, LAC leadership, and the likes. They tend to negatively connote that only those who are assigned with ancillary services and extra tasks will be given the chance to get an “Outstanding” rating since they are the ones with the outputs for it. To be fair to those delegated with these heavy tasks, they were assigned to do such because they are not only willing, but are also equipped with the skills and knowledge to do so. The point that additional workloads and tasks are given to them clearly defines the kind of public employees they are. Moreover, it is a clear manifestation of the trust and confidence of the school head that the person can deliver the goods expected of him/her on the time required.

On the other hand, some teachers are going easy with the preparation and conduct of the RPMS rating. This shows that they are either ready for it or are tolerant to the chaos of its administration. These are the teachers who handle stress with utmost ease. Some of them are the ones who are carefree with whatever rating they will get for the period; others are contented if they will be given a “Very Satisfactory” or “Satisfactory” assessment for they believe that it will not define the hard work and dedication they have extended to the school for the given year.

The RPMS is devised by DepEd to clearly monitor the performances of the employees on a given period in time. Its main objective includes the giving of clear accountabilities to the teacher, in order for him to know what are expected during the year and know how these results measure up to these expectations. So, whatever the results of our actions during the rating period are, we must have open hearts to accept them. After all, we are the captains of our own ships and we steer our own wheels.

Furthermore, the RPMS is crafted to enable teachers to easily track and document their performances in order for them to focus on the areas that need development and help. It is also devised to make their workloads more manageable and meaningful, as well as to support the goals of the department. Eventually it leads to the rewards of those who are worthy of it – in the form of the Performance-Based Bonus. 

In totality, whatever rating we get from the RPMS rating period, if we work with commitment and devotion for the welfare of our students and the glory of God, then we will know that we have served for the best interest of all.  In the end, ratings are just numbers and it will never delineate the nobility of the profession we have chosen.