By Michael D. Tumbaga,
T-III/TIC, T.T. Buncaras Elementary School



            Once upon a time there was a prince who had a kite. The kite was given to him by a fairy.


            One sunny morning while playing, the prince’s kite was hit by the wind on the tree. The prince did not know how to retrieve his toy, so he began to cry.


            Suddenly, a talking maya appeared. The maya offered to fly for the kite on the tree. “But you will have to invite me to dinner tonight and will let me sleep in your bed, beloved prince,” the maya said.


            “I promise,” the prince readily agreed, though he did not really want to have the maya at dinner. When the mayaretrieved the kite from the tree, the prince quickly took his toy and ran back to the palace. He promptly forgot his promise to the maya.


            That evening, the maya arrived at the palace. The prince did not want the maya at the dinning table and wanted it to leave right away.


            “But you made a promise, beloved prince,” the maya said.


            The king agreed with the maya. “A proper young man should always keep his word,” he said.


            So the maya ate from the prince’s plate.


            That night, because he did not want to be accused by his father the king of not keeping his word, the prince allowed the maya to sleep in his bed.


            When he woke up the next morning, the prince saw not a maya but a beautiful young lady sitting on the edge of the bed.


            The young lady introduced herself as a princess and thanked the prince for keeping his promise.


            The princess told the prince that she used to make promises that she did not keep. For this, she was turned into a maya by a fairy, who told her that only the kept promise of a handsome prince shall turn her back to the princess that she was.


            In time, the prince and the princess fell in love with each other. They got married and lived in the castle happily ever after.