by Michelle B. Natural

It’s fair to say that the last few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions for many people. Covid-19 greatly affected the society including our workplace. This has brought many changes and made us adapt to the new normal situation.

This pandemic has its positive and negative effects in the workplace. To name a few, this lessened the physical workforce available in the office because of the work from home scheme. Face to face conferences, seminars and orientation became virtual which sometimes cause problems in terms of the connectivity and technical problems as well. This also caused delays in the processing of the documents to the Regional or Central Office. Gatherings, get-together were prevented by this pandemic. These are just a few of the negative effects of Covid-19.

Covid-19 has also its positive effects not only in the workplace but in the society as a whole. This virus has brought terror to us awakened us in the importance of taking precautions in our daily routine. This has reminded us to be more vigilant in protecting ourselves. This also taught us that social distancing doesn’t mean to be far apart but instead have the proper space to protect yourself and the other person. Wearing face mask doesn’t prevent you to breathe easily but instead this serves as a barrier not from breathing but from all the particles in the air that you might inhale. Using alcohol often doesn’t mean you too are vain but it means you’re constantly cleaning your hands to avoid viruses and bacteria. This also taught us the other means that we can use to connect to other persons or places virtually, this pushed us to be more “techy” because our job required for it. This made us more mindful of even the small details of health precautions. This made us more mature in dealing and adapting to the new changes and new normal this pandemic has brought. In the midst of these all we realize that Covid-19 has also brought us positive things and made us realize to take time to those little things that sometimes we take for granted.