by: Jhonmark D. Barruga

Eco-Trash Bank is a project for a systematic management of a Material Recovery Facility. It is a highlight sub-program of National Greening Program- Green Power Movement spearheaded by the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O). It is an income generating project primarily intended to collect all the trash from the pupils by exchanging their trash into school supplies or save it in a bank. Every learner will be enrolled into a system and will receive the Eco-Trash Bank Book. He will deposit his trash with corresponding points depending on the kind of trash and weight he brings. Every time he deposits, the points will be reflected in his Eco-Trash Bank Book. Each point is equivalent to one peso.


The learner can choose if he wants to redeem his points with school supplies or save it in a bank. When the learner chooses to save it in a bank, the school coordinator will inform his parents and assist the child to open a junior account and it will be called as Eco-savings account. If the learner chooses to redeem it with school supplies, then he can use his eco-trash bank book in the Redemption store located in respective school. The LGU will provide a vehicle that will collect all the garbage from the Eco-Trash Bank and will be brought to nearby junkshops for selling.


Selected recyclable trash will be made into products for merchandise. Interested community members will undergo trainings and workshops for the identified livelihood fitted to their interest like rag making and handmade paper. Food chains, restaurants and vegetable sellers will provide leftovers as food for the piggery to identified recipients.

Sponsor a child

To widen the scope of Eco-Trash Bank, it will encourage families and establishments to sponsor a child using their trash through forums. The points that they will earn from their trash will be added to the points of the child they choose to be used in his studies. Every year there will be an awardee to be recognized in the YES-O Camp as Bayani ng Eco-Trash Bank for individual category. Trust Trash for a better future.