Supervision plays a vital role in the teaching learning process. Teachers should be happy with the presence of principals and supervisors in their respective classroom. They are not lion nor tiger that will tear your heart instead an angel that will guide you to the right track. Supervision is one of the key component to uplift the standard of quality of education in our schools. It is necessary for a teacher to know his/her strengths and weaknesses to be more effective and efficient in transferring the knowledge to clientele.     Today principals and supervisors were pushed to conduct classroom observations in meeting their respective targets that will reflect in their in individual performance commitment and review form.

            Honestly it is indeed a privilege for me to have a visitor to observe me knowing that there is always a room for improvement to be best in delivering my lessons. In some cases there were teachers who were pressured with their presence, some of them were not feeling good or maybe they have family problems just before they left the house that could be a valid excuse and needs consideration. But as teachers we should always be ready like boy scouts since teaching is our job. Teach when we are told to teach don’t let yourself to be defeated by your fears. They are believe to make as great.

            Supervision needs constructive criticism. It’s not about putting egg on one’s face among teachers. The role of the supervisors and principals is to uplift the moral of teachers to be good in his teaching. They are supposed to give advices on how to develop various learning styles fitted to a particular group of learners. Undeniably, Supervision plays a substantial purpose in the teaching-learning process.


Published and Owned by: Jhonmark D. Barruga