by: Feby Djoanne Loma Lepaopao

She is beautiful. She knows in her heart that she is beautiful. Her eyes reflect the beauty within. Her every smile can brighten up everyone’s day. She believes that happy women are the prettiest.

She is patient. With prayers and faith in God, she waits upon His perfect timing. She knows that she can do everything. She keeps hanging on and she keeps believing in herself.

She is influential. Her voice matters. She matters. And she never lets anyone tells her she is different. She doesn’t let anyone speak for her and doesn’t rely on others to fight for her.

She is determined. No matter what life throws at her, she is bound to give her loved ones the best possible life. She knows how great can she be, how much she can love, what she can accomplish, and what her potential is.

She is empowered. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform. She knows who she is, what she believes in, and where she wants to go.

She is strong. Her strength in the face of adversity shines through. She has the desire to act despite fear every time the people she loved were placed in danger. She makes sure to remind us that in the battles of life, we are not alone or unaided.

She is a woman. A woman this world needs. A woman who shows courage, gives hope, and inspires others amidst the pandemic. A woman who never gives up on her dreams. A woman with honor and dignity.

As that famous saying goes, here’s to strong women! May we know them! May we be them! May we raise them!