By: Ronan C. Relova
RESPECT. Six letters with very diverse meaning.
Having to practice one of my duties as a teacher, I came across a very important understanding on the value of probably one of the most underappreciated words in the English language. A word that will make us all contemplate that in the end, it all boils down to how we deal with the people in our lives with utmost veneration and regard – from our family and friends to our superiors and colleagues – for this does not only define us as employees, but as human beings.
Respect does not see position. It devaluates ranks as mere words and add on in one’s name. One should not show respect to others just because they are prominent members of the society or the workstation, rather, one exemplifies respect because it is an innate quality of that someone. This is an adamant support to Richard Branson’s words “Respect is for everyone, not just for those you want to impress”. So, regardless of social or economic status, you show respect to a person not because he demands it, but because he deserves it.
Another life realization I grasped in this profession is that, the older age bracket should know how to show and give respect to the younger ones in terms of the differences in the ways they deal with life as a whole. Generation gap is true. Whether we admit it or not, man’s age only add up. And even if we are still in denial that we are growing old fast, we cannot negate the fact that we are no longer the “cool kids” of this time and space. What we once believed to be the “in thing” to do, is no longer relevant to Generation Z. Technology is not the only aspect that separates us from them, but our overall view of all things in life.
Furthermore, what was effective in terms of teaching before can no longer be applicable today. It is an untackled mechanism that should also be given respect and consideration by the academic world. If a teacher does not learn to address and respect the ever-changing approaches in education, then a void in academic growth may occur. Respecting these changes and evolution connotes continuous learning is ensured.
If respect is part of what we teach inside the classrooms and the households, then we can have peaceful slumbers at night knowing that the future of the world is in the hands of rightful members of the citizenry.
As a whole, if one respects a person, an organization or a system, man’s holistic development and future are already safeguarded as they are anchored on etiquettes and demeanors that attest the righteous path of education. Remember, “Show respect even to people who don’t deserve it; not as a refection of their character, but as a reflection of yours”.