Principal II

Education must continue according to Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones. For the past six months in this pandemic, one of the most affected sectors is education. Our learner’s learning opportunities are at stake. Delayed opening of classes may have an ill effect on every student. Learning must continue for our kind of learners because this may lead to disinterest, lack of focus and disconnection to learning.

In our commitment to deliver basic educational services to our students in Nursery High School, we came up with this Education in a Bag (EduBAG) to ensure that learning shall continue amidst this crisis. This project aimed to:

    • Provide learning opportunities to our learners during this pandemic.
    • Re-engage the students to learning activities to rekindle their interest and enthusiasm for learning.
    • Prepare them for the School Year opening thru review of basic competencies.
    • Engage stakeholders to introduce them to the new normal in education.
    • Serve as a dry run of the Modular Scheme as one of the Learning Modalities to be adopted by the school this SY 2020-2021.

This Education in a Bag (EduBAG) was a collaboration of the school’s stakeholders, the teachers, the parents and the benefactor to provide the students of Nursery High School the opportunity to continue learning while at home and eventually prepared them for the opening of classes. This served as a mind setting activity considering that most of our learners spent most of their time helping their parents or just doing nothing since the close of the School Year. Their disengagement to learning might have an ill effect on their academic performance. The project ran from July 20, 2020 to August 21, 2020 where the students received printed activity worksheets derived from DepEd Commons and other educational materials focusing on basic literacy and numeracy skills. They worked on these worksheets from Monday to Thursday. The teachers adopted 6 learners and took charge in retrieving the answered worksheets during Fridays for checking and giving of feedback thru SMS (Text messaging). The students were provided also with school supplies and hygiene kits while the community availed of the health advocacy materials reminding them of the health protocols to be observed during this time of pandemic.

Such endeavor was a success, with the full cooperation of the learners themselves and the parents and with the support of some stakeholders. Based on the positive feedback from the community, Project EDUBAG successfully achieved its objectives because of the support the City DepEd officials headed by Mr. Bebiano Sentillas, our Schools Division Superintendent and other partners who extended their support in kind and of course to the hardworking teachers of Nursery High School.

Faced with the challenge, the School Head said, “Sa tunga san kalisud, na waran kasiguruhan sa paabuton, an tanan nagiging magaan pag naga buruligan. Padayon na magtalinguha na mahatagan san paglaom an mga kabataan na magkaigwa san maayo na futuro paagi sa tama kag sincero na paga serbisyo.” (In the midst of difficulty and uncertainties, our burden becomes lighter when we help one another. Let us continue to give hope and inspiration to ensure a better and brighter future for our youth through honest and sincere service.)