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Comparative Assessment Results for SY 2024-2025

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To finalize the work and financial plans (WFPs) for FY 2025 which will form part of the Division's Investment Program, the Division Planning Team spearheaded the two-day Training Workshop on Investment Planning at the SDO Conference Hall, September 6, 2024.

The Planning Team guided the program owners from the three functional divisions namely Office of the Schools Division Superintendent (OSDS), School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD), and Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) in aligning their various programs, projects, and activities to the division's and region's strategic directions anchored on the Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) Framework.

Schools Division Superintendent, Nelson S. Morales Jr. in his message emphasized the gravity of the failed systems of education in the EDCOM Report II and how the different governance levels have contributed to it citing that despite investments, the efficient utilization of funds is always a challenge for program owners which if done responsibly, is hopefully deemed to improve the report in the succeeding years.

"We should remind each and everyone that in public finance and as a government employee, there is always that hugeness of accountability. As a public servant, we are trusted with this kind of opportunity to translate our dreams and plans into compassionate action through the different proposals that give life to the utilization, and implementation of PPAs and to gauging the impacts," Morales added.

The first day focused on the following topics such as Overview on Investment Planning by Remy Joyce A. Viñas, PO III; Reviewing the Anchor of the SIP, SDO's Strategic Directions and Program Proposal Format by Jason S. Barrun, SEPS, PRS; Presentation of Budget by Mary Grace A. Nuñez, AO V-Budget; and Crafting the Activity Proposal by Liz R. Liao, SEPS, HRD.

The mechanics of the workshop were presented by ASDS Joy G. Cabrera. She explained in details the terms of reference of the program owners and the process and documents starting from the crafting of the proposal up to the BAC and procurement processes.

The Planning Team also emphasized urgency on the immediate crafting of proposals and WFP for Current and Continuing Funds which led to points of clarification and discussion among the program owners and facilitators.

The presentation and critiquing of outputs will be done on September 9, 2024 where the top management would serve as the panel of reviewers.

Sessions on Program Management Information System (PMIS) and Procurement Process shall conclude the workshop.

-With a report from SEPS Jason A. Barrun
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SDO Masbate City supports National Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE)

In line with DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2024, the Schools Division Office (SDO) of Masbate City has initiated the National Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE) to engage various stakeholders in preparation for the upcoming school year. The OBE program, which runs from July 22 to August 2, 2024, is a concerted effort to ensure that all learners in both public and private schools are properly enrolled and ready for the school year starting on July 29, 2024.

The OBE program aims to create a collaborative environment by involving various agencies, community members, and other stakeholders of education. By fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility, the program seeks to address potential issues and streamline the process of welcoming students back to school.

A central component of the OBE initiative is the establishment of an OBE help desk at the SDO Masbate City division office. This help desk serves as a vital resource for addressing the concerns and issues faced by the public as the school year commences. It aims to provide timely and effective solutions to ensure that the transition back to school is as smooth as possible for all students and their families.

Leading the OBE task force in SDO Masbate City is Agustin D. Cedillo, the Assistant Officer-in-Charge of the Division Public Assistance and Action Center (PAAC).

The OBE program highlights the Department of Education's dedication to creating an inclusive and supportive educational environment. By addressing the needs and concerns of students, parents, and educators, the program strives to foster a positive start to the school year, setting the tone for a successful and productive academic journey.
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SDO Masbate City supports National Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE) 

In line with DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2024, the Schools Division Office (SDO) of Masbate City has initiated the National Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE) to engage various stakeholders in preparation for the upcoming school year. The OBE program, which runs from July 22 to August 2, 2024, is a concerted effort to ensure that all learners in both public and private schools are properly enrolled and ready for the school year starting on July 29, 2024.

The OBE program aims to create a collaborative environment by involving various agencies, community members, and other stakeholders of education. By fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility, the program seeks to address potential issues and streamline the process of welcoming students back to school.

A central component of the OBE initiative is the establishment of an OBE help desk at the SDO Masbate City division office. This help desk serves as a vital resource for addressing the concerns and issues faced by the public as the school year commences. It aims to provide timely and effective solutions to ensure that the transition back to school is as smooth as possible for all students and their families.

Leading the OBE task force in SDO Masbate City is Agustin D. Cedillo, the Assistant Officer-in-Charge of the Division Public Assistance and Action Center (PAAC). 

The OBE program highlights the Department of Educations dedication to creating an inclusive and supportive educational environment. By addressing the needs and concerns of students, parents, and educators, the program strives to foster a positive start to the school year, setting the tone for a successful and productive academic journey.Image attachment

Bolo National High School hosts 2024 Brigada Eskwela kickoff ceremony

Bolo National High School proudly hosted the Brigada Eskwela kickoff ceremony on July 22, 2024, marking the beginning of an essential community event aimed at preparing schools for the upcoming academic year. The ceremony witnessed enthusiastic participation from both internal and external stakeholders of education, along with key personnel from the Department of Education (DepEd).

In his message, Principal Ronan Relova said, “Bolo National High School is honored to have hosted the Division BE kick-off for it opened new doors of possibilities for the school. Not only were we able to manifest 'bayanihan' within the academic community, but also in the wider scope of the world revolving around Masbateño learners.”

The kickoff ceremony served as a platform to highlight the spirit of cooperation and community involvement, which are integral to the success of Brigada Eskwela. The event showcased various activities, including classroom repairs, cleaning, and beautification projects, which were carried out with the collective efforts of students, teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

The presence of DepEd key personnel underscored the importance of the initiative and the commitment of the education sector to ensure that schools are well-prepared and conducive to learning. The collaborative effort demonstrated during the kickoff ceremony set a positive tone for the entire Brigada Eskwela program.

Bolo National High School's successful hosting of the Brigada Eskwela kickoff ceremony not only highlighted the spirit of bayanihan but also reinforced the school's dedication to providing a nurturing and supportive learning environment for Masbateño learners. The event paved the way for a productive and successful school year, embodying the true essence of community collaboration and educational excellence.

SEPS Oscar S. Pinote managed the said kickoff ceremony.
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Congrats po DepEd Masbate City and also to Sir ronan school principal of Bolo Nat'l High School 👏👏👏☺️🫰

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