By: Arbe Kate L. Alcao

Once you leave the exciting world of college, you get to realize that there is a greater life ahead which you discover as far more challenging as being a student. When you were younger, you only thought of the things that you would do for yourself. When you get older, you become selfless and you start thinking for others. The world becomes a bigger picture and you begin filling it with colors by exploring vast horizons. You begin asking for your purpose and you start taking your steps to a much definite direction. You realize that there is a necessity to look for a job because you can no longer ask from your parents to give your monthly allowance. And the search has begun…

Applying for a job proves to be a difficult quest. There’s a time when you almost give up and question your capability because nobody seems to notice your qualities as a potential employee. You keep on searching… then luckily, a miracle happens.

You get your dream job!

The next question is, “Can you keep up with the pace?”

Unlike your student days, being in a world where ‘stress’ exists like the inevitable air, your endurance to pressure is tested. There is also the fact that you need to learn how to interact with people. Truly, the line, ‘patience is a virtue’, is always observed since you deal with different types of people; the friendly type, the nagging type, the bitter type, the accommodating type, the bossy type… and many others. Because of them, you have to become patient, to become as friendly as possible because a good working relationship with your co-workers will help you grow as a person and develop your personality as an employee. For government offices, it is required that you treat everyone fairly, especially the common people, because they are the taxpayers and they pay for your wages.

Since working in the government means being with the clients who ask for your service, it is ethical that you serve them with integrity. From their taxes you earn your salary, so it means you have to respect them at all times. You have no right to complain whenever they ask for your assistance whether it is done with utter respect or not, it is still your duty to serve them with care.

Many of those who work in the government office are often complained of that they serve without courtesy, that they seem to be easily irritated if someone could not simply follow instruction. It is unfortunate to know that there are government employees like these and oftentimes, whenever we hear such complaints, we immediately judge the person without giving him the chance to explain.

Yes, it is definitely tiring to do office works, but once you assume the job, it means you are ready for the responsibilities that go with it. So don’t complain and be happy to serve the people.