When I was a kid, I used to think that it’s easy to be a teacher, that teaching was an easy job. For as long as you have the chalk, blackboard, lesson plan, class record and you can teach a lesson, presto you can be a teacher. But gone are those days when teaching seemed easy and teaching your pupil was your only concern because nowadays, teaching profession seems to be the toughest and strenuous job on earth.

                        As the years pass by, teachers play different roles and do multiple tasks. You cannot just be a teacher per se but you must learn to become different persons at times and learn many and new skills. Today, as teacher, you are expected or at least have the knowledge to be a dancer, singer, poet, writer, coach, gardener, carpenter, researcher, choreographer, director, photographer, computer-literate, blogger and so many other things that your student must learn from you along with so many paper works and reports you need to submit on time and other add-on tasks given to you.

                        For those who want to become a teacher someday, if you do not have the passion, devotion and commitment that this job would require you to have, then, you must think again because this world needs not just a teacher but a multi-teacher who will equip the young ones with knowledge, values and skills to face the challenges of the 21st century and the future generation. Let me share this beautiful quote by Jacques Barzun “Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.”


Published and Owned by: Gypsy A. Fernandez