By: Cyril F. Delavin

As DepEd prepares for the upcoming roll out of Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads which clearly articulate the professional practice/behavior expected of quality school heads, Region V Bicol is currently having the Virtual Training of Trainers on PPSSH Modules. This is also in preparation for the Division Training and Capacity building of aspiring principals.

PPSSH is a set of standards which is composed of 5 modules namely, Domain 1: Leading Strategically, Domain 2: Managing School Operations and Resources, Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning, Domain 4: Developing Self and Others, Domain 5: Building Connections, with 34 strands in all.

Trainers from the different Province and City Divisions in the region were identified and will be participating in the 3-Day seminar via zoom from January 19-21, 2022.

Division roll out will be announced soon.