Traditional classroom activities are often only simple demonstration of previously presented facts using the curriculum materials, the textbooks and other printed materials that play an important role in determining what was taught. Information and Communication Technology as part of the new curriculum gives every pupil the ultimate opportunity to understand and explore the mystical wonders of knowledge. It provides related experiences that has practical application in the daily activities of humans and improves the quality of life if properly used with accurate information taken from Mr. and Mrs. Websites. There is only one principle that every human should know when using internet, Think before you click. In finding resources look for a website that could give you good and reliable information.

            It is a great challenge to teachers on how they will transfer the knowledge, understanding and skills to the pupils needed to achieve the learning objectives. They are expected to provide accurate information regarding the changing world. That’s why seminars and workshops regarding new trends, discoveries and technologies are essential for them to be ready in their daily lessons. Teachers are tasked to develop and offer a program of instructions that will help every pupil to acquire the broad background of intellectual facilities.  

            Most teachers find it hard to teach some of the learning areas with ICT integration because of lack of trainings. Some of them especially the retirees are afraid to press any bottom in the computer. They have the feeling of destroying the computer set if they press any icons that appear on the screen. Indeed trainings and workshops for every teachers in the 21st century is a must in meeting the standards set by the department.


Published and Owned by: Jhonmark D. Barruga