by: Jhonmark D. Barruga

Action Research is a challenge to every teacher to improve the quality of teaching. Superiors suggest and encourage their subordinates to do at least one action research each year. But there is a big question along the way that hinders them and that is how to start an action research.

Action Research discourages most of the teachers for it involves a complex process. This process features difficulties to leaders due to lack of knowledge and expertise to direct them into the right track. But how are you going to start this battle for your research?

Looking for the problem in your school is the first thing to do. The formulation of the problem is one of the hard tasks to start. Make up your mind, just do it cool. Look for any data that you have inside your classroom. Once you have the collected data, analyze in identifying the problem. Action planning is the next thing to do. Read books specifically researches related to your identified problem so you can make the possible solution. Third thing to do is taking action in where you have to identify all the steps needed for the implementation of the study. It includes the process of selecting the research design and methodology in collecting, analyzing and interpretation of data that will support to validate the effectiveness of the solution implemented. Next step in the process of Evaluation reveals the result and findings from the collected data, observation, intervention, data analysis and interpretation that will support to validate the effectiveness of the solution implemented. This will also present answers from the questions with regards to the action plan implemented. And lastly is the general findings that will be the basis in crafting the recommendations in improving the status of a certain situation.

Action Research is indeed an intricate job to do, but with a little courage, patience and passion, nothing is impossible. Don’t stop from learning, find time to be inspired for you to appreciate Action Research and realize that it can be easy.