It is often mentioned that teaching is a noble profession since it requires patience, loyalty and time. Yet, for him, more than a profession, it is an ADVOCACY.

He has believed in the tremendous power that a teacher possesses – such power can either make or break a student. It is because of this fact that he is cautious of his actions as a facilitator of learning and is aware of his purpose in teaching the younger generations.

For the years that he has spent in the service, he tries to become an honest, hardworking teacher by simply devoting his life to his young and eager students. He believes that each lesson is critical to the teaching-learning process that is why he does not only serve the day’s lesson but most importantly, he also requires his students to apply learnings in their dealings with life and its challenges.

Being a Values Education teacher, he does not believe in preaching. Telling students what is moral and what is not seems hypocritical. What he believes otherwise is showing a good and admirable character which is more important than any lesson memorized and mastered. He believes that though the mind needs to be supplemented with knowledge, it is still the heart that makes a man an outstanding individual.

He would often say, “One must teach through the heart and feed the soul because intelligence without character is not intelligence at all.”

It is his advocacy to hone members of the community who in the future will become great leaders and responsible citizens. In achieving this noble goal, he must become vigilant in protecting the right of every child to an education. The only way to do this is to serve as a model to his students.

The commonly used phrase, “You cannot give what you do not have,” proves that one must acquire the abilities and traits of a learned man to influence others. A teacher must possess the character that he himself wants his students to acquire. If he talks about honesty, he should first become full of integrity. He should become trustworthy if he wants his students to learn the importance of trust. If he imposes discipline, he should first show self-restraint. These facts are his standards in teaching. For him, “Walk the talk,’’ is the most effective way to influence the children and make them learn.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.” True to this phrase, he has long been inspiring his learners not because he sticks to the rules and that he imposes judgment and justice, but because he shows kindness to them. His heart is his learning guide, his action is his most effective visual aids for what he expects for what he expects from his students is for them not only to excel in the academic world but also to triumph in every challenge they encounter in life and become better after.

Many would think that his aim is illustrious, but for him, and for those people who had the privilege to become his students, it is a REALITY.


Published and owned by:   Jonathan A. Morano, T-III, MNCHS/Initiator, Tabang Kariton