by: Jhonmark D. Barruga

The Pandemic situation changes the educational system. Access to education is relatively difficult in some areas for both teachers and learners. Adjustment of teachers in the different learning areas involves time management and hard work in the process of preparation such as lesson planning. Learning must continue by providing various access to learning resources to the learners.

The crafting of the Learning Continuity Plan provided data that reveals the responses of parents and potentials of teachers. Most of the schools in the country implemented the Modular Distance Learning which is very applicable as an option that offers the most conducive and practical way for the schools situated in the provinces. The Learning Delivery Modalities Course 2 is a big shot for the teachers to fully understand the new normal in education. It serves as the guiding principle in learning more about the Learning Modalities. It also prepares the teachers to be well-equipped with all the changes in the teaching-learning process.

Despite all the challenges, Filipino teachers are still being resilient. Embracing the new normal in education is just a part of moving forward to explore and discover a much better way in empowering learners who will eventually create positive learning outcome.

Understanding the Self-Learning Modules for the learners is very essential to serve as a medium in making new related work for teachers such as Learning Activity Sheets and the likes. One of the most essentials in the process of Teaching and Learning in the new modality is the Weekly Home Learning Plan since it will help the teachers and parents to track the day-to-day and off-school general learning processes. It will also create a habit among learners how to be responsible in answering specific activities.

Adapting to the new normal is the key to overcome the challenges of the new school year. Teachers must be updated and well-equipped with new knowledge and skills specifically technological advances and teaching strategies suited to the new normal education policy.