
In its quest to improve internal efficiency particularly in managing the different programs and projects, the Department of Education with technical and funding support from the Philippines’ Response to Indigenous and Muslim Education (PRIME) has developed a web-based information system called Program Management Information System(PMIS).

             PMIS is a system designed to facilitate the systematic data collection, storage, analysis and reporting of physical and financial performance of the different programs, projects and activities (PPAs) of the Department. It will provide quality, relevant and real time data on the progress implementation of various PPAs at all levels that can be used for operational planning, program, review, impact evaluation and policy decisions.

To provide awareness of PMIS to the field especially to the recipient schools of the different programs and projects, a one-day orientation was conducted by the City Division on July 11, 2014 at the Division Office Conference Hall, Masbate City. The said orientation aims to:  (a) introduce PMIS as a tool for progress monitoring of PAPs; and (b) discuss and understand the specific roles and responsibilities of key officials in the implementation of the system. Participants to the training were the school heads, public schools district supervisors, and education program supervisors.

The training started with an Introduction of the M& E System with Dr. Jemnah A. Macabe, EPS I-Science. She discussed the Context and Rationale of the Activity & Situationer: Challenges in DepED’s M& E Efforts; Concepts and Principles of M&E, Progress Monitoring and Decision Making and Operational Guidelines on Progress Monitoring. It was followed by Dr. Renato L. Rubio, EPS I-PESS with his session on Getting Started in PMIS. He presented the PMIS website, the PPA Monitoring Work Flow and Users and Types of Roles in PMIS.

The afternoon session was confined on the following topics: Capital Outlay Programs and the Special Programs. The capital outlay programs presentation focused on the procurement and contract monitoring and report generation with Mr. Ariel M. Ng, Division Physical Facilities Coordinator. The special programs, on the other hand, was on the encoding and approving of work and financial plan (WFP), creation and managing Sub-ARO data, confirmation and receipt of sub-ARO, monthly accomplishment recording and report generation. It was facilitated by Mr. Mher B. Rivera, Division IT expert. He also showed the Off-line version of PMIS.


Dr. Jemnah A. Macabe- Author