by Joevylyn C. Ruiz


To support the government’s program in reducing the incidence of the country’s dengue cases, Masbate City Division in coordination with Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the Health and Nutrition Unit/Section conducted an Orientation on Ovi/Larvicidal (OL) Trap System for School-Based OL Trap in the Division Office Conference Hall, Masbate City on June 27, 2012.

It was attended by 42 school clinic teachers or school nutrition coordinators from both elementary and secondary schools in the Division. The activity was managed by the OL Trap Team headed by Dr. Jemnah A. Macabe, EPS I- Science. Other members of the team were those who attended the Regional Orientation Conference in Legazpi City, namely: Ms. Gladys A. Lozano, Ms. May E Antonio, both PHN II in the City Division. The Schools Division Superintendent, Mdm. Nene R. Merioles and the Division Nurse-in-Charge, Ms. Rosa Anita A. Albao and other Education Program Supervisors also supported the activity.

The Orientation started with a short opening program hosted by Ms. Nora B. Andrade, PHN II, MNCHS and followed by the Orientation proper. Dr. Macabe gave a brief background on the program. She emphasized the roles and responsibilities of the DepED people as regards the implementation of this program. She further gave overview about the OL Trap System. Then, Ms. Antonio presented the latest update on Dengue, the Disease, its prevention and control. In the absence of the City Health Personnel, Dr. Macabe made everyone familiar of the characteristics of the Aedes, the Vector. Finally, Ms. Lozano discussed and oriented the participants on the composition of the OL Trap Kit; How to Use/Proper Installation and Disposal (Demonstration). The OL Trap Team further gave instructions on the proper distribution, installation, monitoring (Ovitrap Index and Dengue Cases) and Recording and Reporting of OL Trap/Ovitrap Index.

The participants were given each a set of the OL Trap Kit according to the number of the classrooms in their schools. They were also given certificates of appearance and participation. Snacks were served sponsored by the DOST V.


During the 1st day of OL Trap Installation on July 2, 2012, the OL Trap monitoring team checked the implementation of the program in the different schools. While doing the rounds, the team received feedbacks on the implementation of the program. This led the management to conduct an orientation conference for the school heads and public schools district supervisors on July 3, 2012 to help the team oversee and ensure the proper implementation of the OL Trap system.