by: Jhonmark D. Barruga

Storms, earthquakes, fires, floods and volcanic eruptions are all examples of natural disasters that are probably most common calamities around the globe. Disaster has the power to destroy property and take lives.  Thus, preventing damage to human life and property urges importance to everyone. The emphasis on preparation is about saving life. Some of the disasters that we commonly experience have early warnings and forecast that need immediate action for our safety. Scientist monitors weather and seismic activity of the earth to collect relative data to be analyzed for the forecast.

Be responsible for your own safety in any disaster. Your awareness and knowledge can save you in any possible attacks of both natural and man-made disaster. Planning is the best thing that you can do to be ready if you ever encounter a disaster. Be sensible in any action that you take. To avoid worries during emergency at an early stage, survival plans and needed materials must be prepared. Know the basics for immediate protective action. First, you should be aware about warnings using technology. Watching news on social media will provide information and warnings for precautionary measures. In some cases, instructions are given to know where the evacuations are located. Next is to prepare the medical and sanitation supplies, food, and useful shelter equipment like solar-powered flashlights, first-aid kit, canned goods, soap and etc. And lastly, do the practice sessions. Few trial runs prepared everybody to response the best possible action in the occurrence of any disaster.

Preparation, evacuation and supplies are three equally important things to survive in any disaster. It requires planning and practice for immediate action and best protection to every member of the school and community. When it comes to survival, preparing yourself is prevention.