by: RYAN LEGASPI Roses are red, violets are blue but yellow is not yellow and blue is not blue. Some things appear as genuine as what they are but they are not as real as what we see they are. Sometimes we are color blind but the truth is, blue is really yellow. In the continue reading : Blue is Yellow
The Present
By: Hyacinth Kate C. Cañada Life is the most precious gift anyone could ever receive. But how do we define life? What is life all about? What is the very purpose of existence? Why are we here? And if life exists, why must it come to an end? The search for life’s meaning seems to continue reading : The Present
Once a Novice Learns
By: Arbe Kate L. Alcao Once you leave the exciting world of college, you get to realize that there is a greater life ahead which you discover as far more challenging as being a student. When you were younger, you only thought of the things that you would do for yourself. When you get older, continue reading : Once a Novice Learns
True Life Experiences (TLE)
by Earle Vann E. Ramos The Covid 19 pandemic has become life changing and challenging for everyone in the community. With the economy being challenged by this health crisis, values of basic commodities and services doubled up to the ceiling. This is why having practical skills and life hacks are important in the modern world. continue reading : True Life Experiences (TLE)
Building the Future
Building The Future By: Earle Vann E. Ramos Education has always been necessary in the holistic development of a person. Without it, life will be extra complicated and challenging for a person especially in the modern world where life-based learning and teaching are essential. Being a Technology and Livelihood Education teacher, I have always believed continue reading : Building the Future

Left or RIGHT?
By: Jocelyn C. Dellosa “Would you rather go left where there is nothing right, or go right where there is nothing left?“. This question is quite puzzling in terms of its content and depending on the way of thinking of the person being asked. Teachers, in connection, would oftentimes encounter baffling questions like these. It continue reading : Left or RIGHT?
Students’ Module: A Learning Vestibule
By: Jocelyn C. Dellosa Due to the coming of the Covid 19 pandemic, teachers in different areas around the globe resorted to preparing their materials via modular learning method in order to sustain the delivery of education to their students. We, at the Alternative Learning System however, are no longer new to this modality in continue reading : Students’ Module: A Learning Vestibule
Music & Education: Teaching Lessons in Life
By: Ronan C. Relova Whenever you are lying down on a lazy Sunday afternoon while listening to the radio, do you notice how nostalgic you feel with the songs being played on the airwaves? Or how lively your heart is whenever you hear a fast-beat record? Or how sensitive and teary-eyed you get when you continue reading : Music & Education: Teaching Lessons in Life
By: Ronan C. Relova RESPECT. Six letters with very diverse meaning. Having to practice one of my duties as a teacher, I came across a very important understanding on the value of probably one of the most underappreciated words in the English language. A word that will make us all contemplate that in the end, continue reading : RESPECT
By: Ronan C. Relova No childhood memories could ever be complete without the influence of fairy tales, especially for the pre-social media millennials. They were generally the recipients of the life lessons shown in the morals and values exemplified continue reading : TEACHERS & FAIRY TAILS