
            Supervision plays a vital role in the teaching learning process. Teachers should be happy with the presence of principals and supervisors in their respective classroom. They are not lion nor tiger that will tear your heart instead an angel that will guide you to the right track. Supervision is one of the key component continue reading : Supervision

Mother-tongue as a Subject

In Masbate, Minasbate is the mother-tongue most spoken by Masbateῆos basically Bisaya in the city and other municipalities. It’s being different has made us unique among others in our country. The diversity of our language tells the story of the origin of our social and cultural backgrounds. Mother Tongue as a subject in the K continue reading : Mother-tongue as a Subject

ICT: A challenge to Every Teacher

            Traditional classroom activities are often only simple demonstration of previously presented facts using the curriculum materials, the textbooks and other printed materials that play an important role in determining what was taught. Information and Communication Technology as part of the new curriculum gives every pupil the ultimate opportunity to understand and explore the mystical continue reading : ICT: A challenge to Every Teacher

Education in the Philippines

            Education as a human right has always been anchored to civilization as one indicator of progress in every country. Truly it is wealth of every humankind as their means to better their lives specifically some parents who consider it as their legacies to their children.             As to the present status of the educational continue reading : Education in the Philippines

Teaching Science

Science is a subject which is directly related to the lives of the pupils, a subject that has practical application and can lead ultimately in exploring the environment. It unravels the secrets and the wonders of nature that seek answers to the mysteries of life of the physical world that will help human beings in continue reading : Teaching Science


Some call them crusaders. Some get even a little bit high and get zombie-fied. Some fail. Some never forget to go home.  The kids are in. The kids are drawn to the online games. The kids are nowhere to be seen. At home. At the park. Not showing up for dinner. For lunch. Never see continue reading : ONLY ONLINE

To be a Reader is a Must!

In the Philippines most of the Filipinos have struggled fighting for rights to education. Parents are working so hard to send their children in school hoping that they will learn to read and write to be educated. The government through the leadership of the Department of Education has implemented different programs to improve the literacy continue reading : To be a Reader is a Must!