As there are varied meanings of inspire , there are also many ways of being inspired.

What keeps you  inspired ? This question will surely get multiple responses.

One will answer that learning something new keeps him motivated.


Getting back to nature or just looking at the grandeur of God’s handiwork lifts the spirits up. Putting down into writing one’s thoughts ,feelings, and ideas makes one inspired. Talking to people who inspire you will surely perk you up ,too. For others ,music is an inspiration for it is said that music is the language of the soul .For the hopelessly romantic ,being with the loved one over a candlelight dinner or watching the beautiful sunrise or sunset is more than enough to make one’s heart flutter. For many of us ,we consider our family a treasure that gives us inspiration to withstand all the seasons of life .That sense of purpose makes one inspired. Life has a purpose, no matter how  tiring or burdensome it is .Most of all ,we draw strength and inspiration from the Giver of life.

For the Science  enthusiasts , it is Project INSPIRE – Intensifying Science Performance through an Inspiring and Resource –rich Environment . It is an umbrella program in Science which is aimed to provide an avenue for teachers and students to showcase their skills and abilities along Science and Technology in an empowered  environment .

INSPIRE will make Science teaching and learning simple ,fun, and stimulating. It is an enthusiastic   and inspiring environment which motivates teachers and students to work at their best. A positive and motivating workplace encourages willingness and commitment. A stimulating atmosphere can help one achieve big goals and dreams.

So, what are you waiting for ?  Be inspired ! As a saying goes- Somewhere ,something incredible is waiting to be known . Join Project INSPIRE to make that come true.