By: Geovanni D. Francisco Researchers at University of Toronto in Canada have collected data and found that filing Income Tax Returns shoot up peoples “blood pressure”. Meaning, the pressure of “tax-day” may be linked to fatal vehicular accidents. Rise of car mishaps may be linked to cultural events. Road tragedies are known to climb during continue reading : IT’S A FACT...
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During LIS Time

by Roel B. Rosero Registrar I –SHS The end of the school year is the busiest time for teachers. They need to submit countless reports and fill out school forms. On the other hand, the job of the Office of Registrar of the school is to ensure that these forms are completed and submitted. During continue reading : During LIS Time...
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By: Roel B. Rosero Registrar 1 SHS-MNCHS   When one is assigned to do a grueling task such as Record-keeping, he surely is in for a challenge. When he is asked to maintain and manage the information about each student in school, he is expected to have a highly organized personality to keep up with continue reading : REC0RD-KEEPING: A HANDY TASK...
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By: ROEL B. ROSERO Registrar I SHS – MNCHS   In government offices, the most important factor that results to a quality service, is very public servant’s will to serve the people with a heart. Every client is valuable, therefore he should be entertained to the best of one’s ability. It may be is difficult continue reading : KEEPER OF PUBLIC TRUST...
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By Leah M. Romblon   The education of the child begins at home but this does not mean that when the child enters school, the home relinquishes its role. Far from it, the responsibility assumes a wider sphere. As parents, they commit themselves to continue their role in taking an action part in what the continue reading : EACH HAS A ROLE...
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By Leah M. Romblon   Teachers are familiar with the statement that education is a continuing process that starts at the cradle and ends at the grave. Even before a child is born, his education has already started. Thus each step in the process is a challenge to bring out the best results, especially for continue reading : TOWARDS ONE GOAL...
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The Sacrifices of a Teacher

Teachers nowadays are facing the most difficult part of their professions. From the time they passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), they have to undergo various processes in order to be employed in the teaching profession. They have to submit their credentials to the Principal/ School Head in the school they are applying. The continue reading : The Sacrifices of a Teacher...
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The Importance of Classroom Management

Classroom management refers on how a teacher manages all the activities in a classroom environment. It must be a conducive place for the learners that could motivate and encourage pupils/students to go to school regularly and participate actively in all classroom activities. It involves the following: Room Structuring – The print rich environment, proper display continue reading : The Importance of Classroom Management...
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Sa dami ng pinagkakaabalahan natin sa mundong ibabaw, hindi natin namamalayan ang oras at panahon at isang araw namulat na lang tayo huli na ang lahat may mga bagay pa tayong dapat gawin at tapusin. Pero di ba mas masakit at nakakapaghinayang na naubos natin ang ating oras at panahon na pinagkaloob na wala man continue reading : PAMANA...
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