by Ronan C. Relova

They say that sometimes, people feel cantankerous when they wake up on the wrong side of the bed. As the famous Filipino saying goes, “Magbiro ka na sa lasing, huwag lang sa bagong gising.” generally describes the irritable characteristic of someone who might have been disturbed from his sleep, that it would be far more reasonable to deal with a drunk.

This is not the case of a teacher’s life though. Teachers, over the years, have been known to be early risers – it is common knowledge in the Philippines that they are. And even if they wake up on either side of the bed, they do not become prickly or grumpy. But really, does it benefit more to have a body clock of an early bird, or is it more advantageous to be an owl?

As it is demanded by the schedule of local schooling, educators in general, tend to be early risers, even against their will. But, what benefit do we get when we wake up early in the morning?

A clinical study in Forbes shows that rising up early is correlated with success. Students and professionals who do so tend to accomplish more in their daily routine. The study has proven that more students get a General Weighted Average (GWA) of 2.5 and above than those who tend to slumber deeper in the morning. In the case of teachers, many become more productive in terms of completing the tasks for the day as compared to those who come to work late. “The early bird, catches the worm”, as they say.

Early risers are more proactive” – Harvard biologist Christoph Randler stated in his study that those who go to work earlier have more positive outlook in life and that they send off vibes that make them think outside the box and be in charge of making things happen. These groups of people also have the long-range goals set for themselves and the company they are working with. Moreover, Randler also stated that morning people are more likely to anticipate problems and able to deal with them and find solutions to fix them.

As teachers who are early risers, they are also accustomed to meditate and set goals during their quiet time. After waking up, they spend time either praying or contemplating on their activities for the day. This is also true before they go to sleep. They set their activities and make a “to-do” list in their minds before closing their eyes. This does not make them workaholic, rather, career-oriented and methodical; because even if they think of goals and plans for their professions, morning persons are also organized in their personal life knowing when to set a date for a loved one, dinner with family or simply hanging out with friends. It also makes them good with time-on-task.

Sometimes, because they are given enough time in the break of dawn, early risers also find time to have a healthier cycle as they occasionally find time to exercise. People with healthier outlook in life have increased energy, provide and cascade positive aura with coworkers and have deeper sleep cycles. Furthermore, having deeper sleep makes someone more jolly and enthusiastic. This makes them an asset in terms of setting a more conducive learning and working environment to the people around them.

Various studies also show that morning people are likely to be more optimistic and conscientious. Night owls, while linked with creativity and intelligence, are more likely to exhibit depression, neurosis and pessimism.

Finally, teachers and other individuals who are morning people spend more time with family members. If one jumpstarts his/her day with work-related undertakings, chances are, he/she have more time to spend in recreational activities with family members and loved ones, thus, preventing him/her from bringing workloads home.

In the end, regardless if you are a night owl or an early bird, if you put your heart and mind in the tasks given to you, you will be able to find a way to accomplish them with ease and comfort. Always find time to have a complete sleep cycle This way, it will be easier for you to wake up on the right side of the bed and have a happy and light mood for the whole day.