The real treasure of the Department of Education doesn’t come from its achievements. It lies on the stability of its human resources.  The people working behind can definitely make or break the department so it is imperative that they should hire competent people who will contribute to the success of achieving the DepEd’s primary goal – to produce quality education.

It begins with the hiring of the applicants.  The selection of potential workers depends on the capability of those who are given the power to choose them.  They need to be meticulous when screening applicants because who they will hire are the future of Philippine Education. To be able to achieve its mission and vision, it is needing bright dedicated and honest workers.

Aside from the credentials brought by an applicant, what the hiring personnel should consider are the extent of a person’s knowledge, skills and personality.  A teacher applicant should have an understanding in one’s cultural identity since he will be handling different individuals.  He must know how to value social responsibility to be able to teach his future students a sense of awareness and acquire discipline.  He must have a strong conviction regarding his beliefs yet he has to consider those of others to be able to teach his students the value of respect.  It is also of great importance that he must possess knowledge to expertly deliver his lessons because the common phrase, “You cannot give what you do not have”, is truly a thought to be considered.

A teacher must also possess a personality which enables him to become an outstanding public servant.  His leadership ability will always be tested since when hired, he will be given various responsibilities.  His patience will be tried because of unruly students or a demanding superior.  His capability to work under pressure is asked at all-times due to the nature of his profession.

Teaching is multi-tasking, so it means that a teacher must acquire skills to be able to perform his job well.  These attributes are critical to the selection of future facilitators of learning and these should not be neglected by those who are in the position to choose them.

In the Human Resources, the people behind have the job to secure that the selection itself should not be based on one’s personal interest only.  The need to protect transparency in job hiring, especially in government offices such as the DepEd, is demanded.  There are many aspiring applicants every year who battle for the most coveted teaching positions, yet only few will be hired due to the limited number of vacancies.  So it is only fair that only the best should be chosen.


Published and Owned by: Agustin D. Cedillo