There may be many accusations against public servants – people who work in public offices – who are often being complained of not offering a good service to the general public. It is because of the fact that there are those who did their job inefficiently and who face their clientele with less enthusiasm. Some may blame this to stress, to the relentless demands of an overbearing superior, or to the salary which pays only half the monthly bills of an employee.
But public service is public service, if not offered with dedication and integrity, it does not cater to the public’s interest.
The Civil Service already declared policies such as NO Noon Break and Anti-Red Tape in answer to the growing complaints of people against those who work behind the desks of a public office. This is to show that the people are still the main priority of the government and to prove that it is seriously doing its job.
What do the people expect from public servants?
TIMELINESS. Services should be delivered immediately. If the time spent for telephone chatting with friends during office hours is strictly avoided, then services can be offered without delays and reports can be finished even before the dreadful deadline.
People also expect PROFESSIONALISM. Being a professional doesn’t mean a person should acquire a Civil Service License. It means that a professional is respectful towards others, honors others’ time and effort and the he values humility at all times.
FAIRNESS is also a priority in public service. A person’s name or the worth of a person’s wallet should not be the bases in giving immediate service. There should never be a barrier between the rich and the poor. Regardless of one’s status in life, public service should be readily given with warmth.
There must be a radical reshaping of the relationship between the citizens and public service. This is due to the fact that complaints are heard from anywhere. Because a society without public service is a society without order. In today’s massive campaign of the government to deliver quality public service in achieving more comprehensive goals to achieve national progress, it is essential that anyone from public office must be reminded that his duty is to serve the people, and that he is paid by the people. Thus, he must serve with honesty and with integrity.
Published and Owned by: Agustin D. Cedillo