Gypsy A. Fernandez
Teacher III of Julian V. Antonio Elementary School


            We are already in the 21st Century era. A lot has changed especially in the education trend. Even the way how teachers teach has changed., from the usual chalk and blackboard to the use of laptop and projectors. There is no question that the Internet and other digital technologies have required teachers to learn more and stay up to date with more than just pedagogy. What happens if technology is integrated in teaching?

           According to Google, technology refers to advancements in the methods and tools we use to solve problems or achieve a goal while teaching is defined as an interactive process, primarily involving classroom talk, which takes place between teacher and pupil. In the classroom, the use of technology in teaching encompasses all kinds of tools from paper-and-pencil, and chalkboard, to the use of presentation software, or high-tech gadgets, and more.

            Teaching with technology can deepen student learning by supporting instructional objectives. However, it can be challenging to select the “best” technology tools while not losing sight of your goals for student learning.  But once identified, integrating those tools can itself be a challenge as an eye-opening experience to your pupils. Technology can support your pupils’ collaboration on creating new knowledge, reflecting on what they are learning or working together to achieve a deeper understanding of a lesson.

            When can we use technology in teaching? Technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools, such as computers and hand held devices, thus expands experiences and learning materials. It increases pupils engagement and motivation thus accelerating learning. Teachers should not just experiment with different ways of using technology but they should also focus on using technology to reach educational goals more effectively and efficiently. Using technology can be an integral part in achieving significant improvements such as to support both teaching and learning. Sometimes it’s helpful to provide visual aids to complement teaching, stimulate discussion, or allow out-of-class teaching. Tools designed for this purpose such as PowerPoint can be used well. There are many ways where we can use technology in the classroom. This can be a great advantage as an advance learning for the pupils. Though there are teachers who complain that they cannot integrate technology because they don’t know how. You don’t have to be a expert to use technology as a tool but “just-enough” will do, just enough to operate a laptop and a projector to present a lesson. Every teacher should go hand in hand with the newest technologies to create interest in learning and to achieve the best results. Technology is important in modern life as it is important to try and incorporate this into the classroom to keep the skills relevant to real life. It is no secret that using technology in the classroom has its potential benefits and also has its risks and consequences.

            There is certainly a growing, changing role of a teacher from a sage-on-the-stage to a more interactive designer of instruction and classroom experience. Using technology in the classroom allows you to experiment more in pedagogy. Pupils can learn life skills through technology. We live in a digital world. Using technology in the classroom can prepare your students for a future deeply rooted in technology. But despite of these pros, there are also its cons such as technology can be a distraction. There could even be a possible disconnection of social interaction. This can happen but it doesn’t have to.

            Teachers are encouraged to try something new with technology. At the same time,  adopting technology in the classroom is something that teachers may be  comfortable with in different levels and to different extents. It can be frustrating and it can be time-consuming. But it can also open doors to new experiences, new ways of learning and collaborating and new discoveries in the classroom. Give it a shot and see what you can do as well.