By: Catherine F. Guadayo
Teacher III, Filipino Dept.
Cheating has always been a part of the human nature. Through the years, it has lingered on the different facets of the society. At the workplace, in school or even inside the premises of the households, cheating is ever-present.
Known as the act of doing something unfairly or dishonestly in order to gain an advantage against someone or something, cheating has always been a deed which is not accepted by the laws of God and man. In a relationship, cheating can vary from pure infidelity to small flirting by one of the partners to another man or woman. In the professional world, cheating can be done when someone does a negative action in order to gain advantageous achievements against a coworker. Inside the school, cheating is done when a student does dishonest acts towards an examination or the likes.
For the longest time, cheating in the academe has always been the source of deceit. For whatever reason, it is unacceptable and wrong. The end does not justify the means, so to say. In a study, students say that they cheat because they want to pass the course or subject. It is understandable that it is human nature to do drastic measures when man is put in an unfavorable condition or circumstance.
The rules set in the morals of life do not make man perfect, rather, it makes him become righteous. When the norms are followed from the heart, then the overall impact reflects the virtuosity of that person. It is rather fitting to say that when a student cheats, his ethics is being put to question. Cheating at an early age could be scary especially when we think of the possible outcomes of it. It leads to the probability that the trait may train the individual to be far more crooked in his ideals in life in the days to come. The more that we do nothing about it now, the more we tend to let the person create an inner monster deep within him.
In order to correct the mistakes done, one should know what and what not to do in order to reprimand the child. It is important that the parent or teacher listens to the child’s side of the story. In this manner, we do not only admonish his wrong doings, but we also practice his demeanor on accepting the outcomes of his actions. The early adoption of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” mentality to a child makes him become more aware that there are consequences in life if ever his actions are unreasonable and unjust.
However, becoming angry at a child who committed cheating is not always the most convenient solution for a parent. Remember, this builds tension between the parties involved and thereby creating more conflict instead of resolving one. When one scolds a child in a violent manner, the more likely it is for the child to develop the sense of exclusion instead of being able to feel that he is reprimanded because he is loved.
Additionally, look for the main reason why the child committed the mistake. Sometimes, they are going through a lot of burden from their peers and contemporaries that elders overlook the ill effects it does to a child. Academic pressure and personality inclusion are two of the most worrisome reasons why a child resorts to cheating. They think that when they are academically accomplished, they are more secured of being able to be a part of a society where everybody is flawless and proficient.
The irresponsibility of cheating on the child’s side is always the responsibility of the parents, teachers and elders to instill the virtue of honesty, integrity and goodness in them. Remember, cheating only happens because the society sets standards that form unrealistic development of a person. Remind the children that it is okay to commit mistakes, what is not acceptable is the fact that they cover-up their blunders and do it with deceit in order to be accepted by an imperfect world.
Moreover, the child should not settle to “win the game, at all costs, in order to be victorious in life” rather, “Be the game and set the rules in order to live life”.